- Watching a movie with a crowd is way more fun than watching at home with just the family. There times that I was laughing out loud just because someone else thought something was funny. Everything was more enjoyable because there was a group response to the action on the screen.
- Bing Crosby is creepy looking when his head is that big. His eyes are very blue, but there are wrinkles and make up that I have never been unable to see on my television at home. Additionally, Vera Ellen, who I have always thought was nice looking, is a little bit funny looking at that size as well.
- When I watch movies at home, I get sleepy. In fact, I almost always fall asleep. There is an energy generated with a group of people that keeps me going, however. I have seen White Christmas at least once a year for 20+ years, and yet it help my interest this time as much as the first time I saw it.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Old Ways are Better?
Monday, December 20, 2010
The 4 Most Important Things
The Christian life can be narrowed down to a few basics, however. Fundamentals- at least in terms of religion- have gotten a bad name, but it is not necessarily a bad word. There are, I propose, four essentials that all Christians may attend to so that they can continue to live and grow in the Christian life.
- Bible study. Every person who wants to be called by the name Christian needs to be familiar with the “playbook.” The history of our faith (as well as the future), the doctrines of our belief and the pattern for our lives is all found in these 66 books. A time of daily study and reading is important for every believer.
- Prayer. There is nothing more essential to the Christian life than prayer. Just as your relationship with your spouse will falter without regular communication, so will your relationship with God. Be sure to pray daily. Talk to God frequently, throughout the day. And be sure to listen to what he has to say to you as well.
- Fellowship. This is the easiest of all these. Spend time with other followers of Jesus. They will help to inspire you. You will be encouraged to be faithful, to avoid temptation and to deeper levels of commitment and service. You should also be sure that you spend ample time fellowshipping with your Creator in worship.
- Ministry. There is nothing that will accelerate your growth in faith more quickly than being involved in ministry. This could mean that you participate in a mission trip with others, that you volunteer for a new position at church, or that you share your faith with someone at work. In any case you will find that God will use you and your faith will be stretched.
Spend some time on your spiritual life this month. Do the “Four Most Important Things.”
Friday, December 17, 2010
New Year's Resolution 2011
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Reading Plan 2011
- I will read The Message paraphrase of the Bible.
- I have collected many books through the years at book sales, garage sales and the like. In 2011 I will read the books that I have not already read by some of my favorite popular authors, Garrison Keillor, John Grisham and Stephen King.
- I will read at least six books on church leadership.
- I will do some reading to support a series of sermons on the book of Psalms.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Bible Study 2011
- I will be continuing my devotional project of writing the Bible. During 2011 I will be be copying, from the New King James Version, several of the Psalms.
- I will be reading The Message during 2011. I have committed myself to read the entire Bible each year until I die, or am physically or mentally unable to do so. For the past few years I have read a different version each year. During 2011 it will be Eugene Peterson's The Message.
- I will be reading the Bible with special attention to Jesus' healings in the gospels. I will particularly be looking for how Jesus healed everyone and every disease.
- I want to focus on the prayers that are recorded in the Bible.
- A corollary to that will be giving special attention to how Jesus goes off by himself to pray, and sometimes does it all night long.
- I want to look at songs and psalms in the Old Testament.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Merry Christmas, at Last
It is time for my annual Christmas message. Sometimes it seems that everything that can be said about Christmas has already been said. I feel like I have said all that I know about Christmas. Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun, and yet every year we work to make Christmas new, fresh, and interesting. This year I refuse. I am not looking for anything new. There will be no original Christmas thoughts coming from my mouth. I will not lose sleep over how to phrase my holiday greetings. I am going to be simple, and traditional.
On Sundays I am going to focus on the message of the angels who appeared to the shepherds. (It’s hard to get more traditional than that.) There will be four messages, and they all come from what the shepherds heard a couple thousand years ago.
- Good News. The basic message of Christmas is good news. The gospel of Jesus Christ, the truth that God became a man and dwelt among us, that is good news. That Jesus continues to live and fellowship among his followers, that he still seeks those who are lost and do not yet have a relationship with him is good news. It’s not a new message, but Christmas is all about Good News!
- Great Joy. Suicide rates go up at the holidays. People are more depressed and lonely. Men and women (and young people) focus on what life is not and lose hope. But, Christmas for the believer is about great joy. We are not alone for God is with us. We do not need to live in depression because the King of kings has borne our griefs. When my burdens are lifted and when I live in the hope of Christ, that is Great Joy!
- Peace on Earth. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. To many for Christians to talk about peace seems to be a contradiction. After all, much of the violence in the history of the world has come from Christ’s followers. However, we live for peace. We can have peace. We follow peace. Jesus is the only way that we can truly know Peace on Earth!
- Goodwill to Men. Not everyone is nice. I do not like everyone I meet. But I do know that there is no one who is inherently better or worse than me. We are all the same in God’s eyes. Jesus came to earth to level the playing field. We are to love one another, even as Christ has loved us. He offers us a chance at equality and understanding with and for one another.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Why I Worship at McDonald's
Monday, October 25, 2010
New Ethics
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Family Lists: Widows, Widowers and Singles
Church people are idiots! You do not have to agree with me, but I believe this with all my heart. There are too many ways in which we (and I include myself here) mess up over and over again. We are hypocritical, self-righteous, judgmental and “holier-than-thou.” It is no wonder that Christians have such a bad name in the world at large. After all, who wants to associate with people like us?
One of the ways that we offend and alienate the most people is in the area of our teachings on family issues. I believe that we are not intentional in excluding people, but we seem to forget those who are single or widowed. However, there is a lot that the Scripture has to teach about those who are not in a “traditional” family group.
First of all, let’s be clear that there is not a traditional, biblical model for families. The patriarchs were polygamists. The greatest king in Israel’s history, David, had multiple wives and mistresses and was a lousy father to his children. Jesus was never a part of a “traditional” family. The Apostle Paul was either divorced or never married. Our current pre-occupation with a husband, wife and children family unit is more cultural than spiritual.
With that being said, let’s consider biblical instructions for those who are unmarried.
- Widows (and widowers) are to be a special ministry concern of the church (Acts 6.1). We must not forget to care for those whom God has entrusted to us.
- Single people are to be faithful to God above all. In fact, in 1 Corinthians 7.32, Paul says that those who are unmarried are blessed and should remain that way. (Jesus praised those who were eunuchs for the Lord. Matthew 19.12)
- Divorce is a last resort only. People who are married are to stay married. Divorce is a sin (Mark 10.11).
- We are all a part of the same family of God. There is no Jew nor Greek (Galatians 3.28). No matter what kind of family I have on earth, I am part of God’s eternal family. He is my Father and those of you reading are my brothers and sisters.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Forever Friends?
I have a great family. My parents are still the greatest influence on my life. I want nothing more in this world than their approval. I love them and know that they love me. I have a good marriage. My wife is with me all the time. We consult one another about every decision and treasure the time we spend together. My daughter is in her own category. There is no one in this world that I love more than her. (I believe that it is also true that no one loves her more than I do.) But these family members are not what I would call friends.
- Friends are people who are related to you only because of mutual respect, affection and concern.
- A friend is someone who is genuinely glad as you succeed in life, and is concerned and offers support and assistance in a time of need.
- Friends offer advice and support.
- Friends are receptacles of garbage that we vent to them and on them.
- Friends are faithful through years, even when neglected.
- Friends do not take up a lot of time, but they have plenty of time to give when it is needed.
- Friends are not afraid to confront you when you mess up, but they will also help pick up the pieces when you fall apart.
- Friends never intentionally hurt, disappoint or annoy you. When they do any of those things, they are quick with an apology and appropriate acts of contrition and restitution.
- Friends are good for laughing with, crying with, playing with and being serious with.
- Friends help you through difficult times and keep you grounded in the good times.
- Friends will offer help and assistance, but will not be afraid to complain when they are being taken for granted, or taken advantage of.
- A friend will actively work for you improvement and do their best to keep you from any self-destructive behaviors or attitudes.
- A friend will cheer you up when you are depressed and help you keep a level head when things are going well.
- Friends love you with no expectations or stipulations.
- Friends are committed to the friendship without regard to convenience or personal gain.
- Friends are in it for the long term.
- Friends never quit being friends.
- Friends are filled with grace, understanding, patience and forgiveness toward one another.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Hand Washing or Wringing?
- There are some places that the hand washing sign is completely superfluous. Employees in a race track stable, hog farm or landfill have bigger sanitary issues than just their hands. Likewise, those who work in a car wash may find that their hands are constantly being washed while on the job.
- It is completely possible for some men to use the restroom without ever touching any surface that would require hand washing. (Of course, this would mean that an automatic or foot flush is needed.) Why should I wash if I touched nothing in the restroom and nothing on my body?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Whose News?
- CNN- Tries to be objective in its coverage, but is vilified by right and left as being too partisan in favor of the other guys.
- MSNBC- Unabashedly liberal in orientation and perspective. Courts the left wing with its programming, reporting and analyses.
- Fox News- Proclaims itself to be centrist- or at least populist- but is clearly a right leaning outfit.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Family Lists: The Family of God
…that we might receive the adoption as sons.
And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Galatians 4.5-6
Here is something to always remember. You are a child of God. He has adopted you and included you in his family. You are no longer a part of the world. You are in a new family with all the rights and privileges that this family enjoys.
- We are children of the Creator of the universe. I love my Dad. He is the greatest man on earth. But, that is nothing compared to being a child of God. I am a son of God.
- We are brothers and sisters of Christ himself. Our relationship with the Messiah can be greatly enhanced by understanding that in a very real way, we are connected to him as family.
- We are brothers and sisters of one another. It seems like a quaint idea from a simpler time to call other church members Brother Smith or Sister Jones. But what a great reminder of our relationships.
- I have a whole church full of family members. The people that I worship with are advocates for me. They love me. They defend and protect me. They take care of me and my family.
Being a part of that church family comes with responsibilities as well.
- I must look out for others who are a part of the family. I must work to protect and defend them always.
- I must help to correct and guide them, but always in a loving and godly way.
- I must share with those who are a part of the family. That means that I will share material, advice, nurture and prayer.
One more thing: My “family of God” is not limited to the Christian people of my local congregation. I have brothers and sisters around the world. I know some from Africa, from Asia, from Europe. They are everywhere. It is a wonderful, great, huge family. You should appreciate this family and take advantage it. It was Bill Gaither who said, “I’m so glad I’m a part of the Family of God.”
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Even More on New
For example, what I have said previously, and what I am about to say, makes it appear that I am a traditionalist who is committed to the status quo. This is not the case. I like new things. I embrace innovation and creativity. I want to know how things work and how we can make them better. I love new stuff.
The current state of our world would have us look at the new in unhealthy ways. New is exalted as always better. The combination of marketing and technological innovation is extremely dangerous.
- First of all, an emphasis on, and devotion to all things new will usually lead to sensationalism. We want to see the latest and greatest. To get a look at it we have to know about it. Thankfully (please hear the sarcastic tone of my voice), there are marketers to tell us that there new thing is best. Sensationalism is born.
- Sensational leads to hyperbole. Over and over again we are subjected to claims that cannot be substantiated. "This will make you happy." "That will give you sex appeal." It is sometimes hard to separate a legitimate claim from some one's opinion.
- If product X is using a celebrity to sell its product, product Y may need to up the ante by providing a testimonial from a real person. Product Z, which is essentially the same as X and Y, might be tempted to make things up. There is a progression here: New leads to sensationalism. Sensationalism leads to hyperbole. Hyperbole leads to lies.
That new version of Windows will not solve all your problems. Likewise, eating the food at Subway will not make you thin. Whether or not we embrace new things, we need to always be grounded in the truth. Be discerning, wise and skeptical.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Me and Jean
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Family Lists: Marriage
Several years ago, as I was teaching United Methodist Pastors in Uganda, some of the pastors asked about family relationships, and especially marriage. I have always felt as though my marriage was the second most important commitment in my life (the first being my commitment to Christ). The questions caused me to begin to systematize my thinking about some specific marriage pointers. Through the ensuing years the list has changed, and I am sure that it will continue to evolve and develop, but here is what my marriage list looks like today. I call it the “steps to affair-proof your marriage.”
· Always follow God’s law. This is almost too obvious. If we do what God says, we will not have problems with fidelity.
· Always keep all of your promises. When a person gets married they promise things like, “keep only unto,” and “cleave only.” If you keep your promises, you will remain faithful.
· Never be alone with a person of the opposite sex in a tempting situation. Let there never be an opportunity for temptation to take root in your life. Avoid everything that has the potential for danger.
· Confess all temptation to your spouse. When you have a tempting encounter, do not let that temptation grow in secret. Share it. Be honest. The temptation will be less when you are not harboring it in private.
· Make yourself unavailable to the opposite sex. Make sure that everyone in your circle of acquaintance and influence is aware that you are completely off-limits. Announce to others and make it clear that you are happily married. Do it often. Remind others- and yourself- that you are not in the market for anyone else.
· Make rules for when you argue with your spouse. There should be limits to your anger and upset. Do not say things that you do not mean. Do not intentionally hurt your spouse. And then, when you have made the rules, be sure to live by them.
- Always put your partner first. Be willing to compromise in conflict. Be the first to apologize in a time of hurt. Advance the needs and desires of your spouse above your own.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Me or Us?
My tendency is to read the Scripture- and probably everything else, for that matter- in a very closed, selfish way. I want to get right to the personal application. "What's in it for me," so to speak. But these letters do not allow for that.
When Jesus stands at the door, it is not the door to my heart. He is wanting to enter the church.
When Jesus says that he will spit out the lukewarm, he is not talking about lukewarm Christians. He is fed up with lukewarm churches.
When he says, "I know your works," he is declaring that the activities of the congregation are known to him. In this passage he is not looking at every detail of every member.
That thought led me to my second thing. When I was a boy, I was given a bad interpretation of a very familiar Bible verse. John 3.16 says this: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." When I was a child, in an evangelical Sunday school class a well-meaning teacher gave me the evangelical party-line. She said, "You can put your own name in there, you know. 'God so loves Dewey...'"
You see, evangelicals believe that every person is valuable to God. And that every person must come to faith in Christ of his own will and initiative. I agree with that, by the way. Every person must have a personal relationship with Jesus. I am an evangelical after all. The problem is that John 3.16 is not an individual salvation verse. It is a corporate salvation verse- just like Revelation 2-3.
So, there is a conflict in Christian circles between those who believe in individual salvation and those who hold to corporate salvation. Let me weigh in with my opinion on the subject: Yes.
Every person must come to faith in Christ. Romans 10.9 teaches that it is the responsibility of each individual to come to faith in Christ. I am thoroughly evangelical. Each person must confess and believe for him/herself.
But, Jesus came for all people. There are requirements, commands for the "church" of Christ. There is no getting around our responsibilities to the body of Christ, the church, and to Christ himself.
The right answer is not either/or, but yes/and.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Family Lists: Children
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long… Exodus 20.12
Too often, it seems to me, we stop here at the Ten Commandments, when we are considering children in our family relationships. We want our children to obey, to respect, to honor, but perhaps not much more. We want them to “be seen and not heard.” We believe in “spare the rod and spoil the child.” Children should know their place. All of these things are true, but in the Bible (and in life) there is so much more for children to know, to do and to fulfill.
- Samuel was a boy who ministered to the Lord (1 Samuel 3). In fact, he heard from God when no one else did. Eli, the priest did not hear God, but a boy did. Children today can hear the voice of God as well, if we will teach them to and allow it.
- Jeremiah was called by God, even before he was conceived (Jeremiah 1.5). There are great things in store for people (children) even from the earliest ages. Do not diminish what your children are destined to accomplish for God’s glory.
- Jesus welcomed children in his group (Matthew 19.14). Not only did Jesus teach them, include them and admonish the disciples for their treatment of children, he also touched them, held them and blessed them.
- It was a young boy, who was almost arrested along with Jesus at the end of his life (Mark 14.51-52). We sometimes get over-protective of our children. They should be allowed to follow Jesus and take risks for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
- Young people can have leadership roles in the church (1 Timothy 4.12). Be careful to not overlook those who are gifted and called for ministry just because they are younger than you expect them to be. God calls people regardless of their age.
Everything that has gone before applies to young people generally and not necessarily to children in the context of their families. However, all these things are true in families as well. I was fortunate as a child to have parents who listened to me and believed that I could accomplish great things for God. They nurtured me and my relationship with God. They listened to me and offered guidance and correction from time to time. Let me assure you that I was not excused from chores, family responsibilities, obedience or respect. I was well-rounded in all those ways. The rod was not spared in my childhood home. I knew when I was to be quiet and when I could speak out. But I never sensed that I was not respected and loved.
The same should be true for our children. We must love and nurture them. Teach them respect. And allow them to blossom in whatever ways God calls them. Who knows: The next Billy Graham may be living in your house or attending your church. Wouldn’t that be a great thing?
Friday, July 23, 2010
More Thoughts on "New"
- Focusing on new things causes us to lose sight of our traditions, our culture, the very things that make us who we are. When we are only looking for what is new, we will forget where we came from.
- New things could cause us to repeat the mistakes of the past. When we forget what we have learned, we may well mess up again.
- Being consumed with new things makes us produce new things more frequently and more quickly. This automatically diminishes the value we place on new things and the quality that the new things represent.
- Finally (I think), the new promotes only surface interest in everything. When we have tradition, we live with music, art, literature and life over and over again. We can truly see the value and the depth of a thing when we spend time with it.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Problems I Have with "New"
- Creativity- God is doing something when a new song is born.
- Variety- There should be no limit to the types of expression of worship.
- Work- It takes effort to learn or do "new." God is worthy of that.
- To begin with, valuing new simply because it is new leaves us with the distinct implication that the old is necessarily inferior. This is not true.
- If we are so concerned to find God's new thing, we may get the idea that he never did an old thing, or that there wasn't a new thing before. This might leave us with a sense of spiritual superiority.
- Focusing on the new will almost always diminish the value of the old.
- Emphasizing the new will often lead to instability. Consistency is sacrificed when we move quickly to the latest, newest thing.
- Making too many changes, too quickly, will certainly offend and alienate those who are emotionally invested in the old ways. The status quo is not necessarily bad.
Friday, July 16, 2010
More on Social Justice
Ultimately, I think we agree. The church should be doing what the government is doing.
Let me cite one example of the church doing its job regardless of the activity of the government: The Amish. The Amish are taxed in the same way as everyone else. I am sure they are beneficiaries of many government programs as well (examples could include unemployment compensation, but I am not certain of this). I do know, however, that the Amish do not participate in government sponsored insurance programs. The church itself cares for members who are ill, have lost a home or are in some other need. The church can and should care for people regardless of what the government is doing. (An interesting side note: The average Christian gives about 3% of his income to the church. If Christians would tithe, we could care for those who need and cut our taxes.)
One more thing: I had a disagreement with my mother-in-law recently. She was upset about the proposed health care reform bill (this was before it passed). She said, "Everyone I know has insurance. I don't see what the big deal is." When I began to tell her the names of the people I know who are uninsured (about a dozen, many that she also knows) she was amazed. I think it is easy to think about those in poverty as having an entitlement mentality, but when you spend time with them you can see the world through different eyes.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Fair and Balanced?
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Family Lists: Parents
We parents, and I assume that most of you reading this are parents, tend to think of the Bible as a pro-parent book. We like to emphasize the passages about honoring parents, respecting elders and obeying those in authority. All of those concepts are important in the Bible, but that is not the whole story. The Bible also talks (a lot) about the responsibilities and concerns that parents are to show to their children.
My prejudice is that parenting is the most important job that most of us will ever do. In fact, I have always rejected the idea that I ever “baby sit” my own children. I never baby sit. I parent. The Bible provides a lot of help for parents, if we want to listen to God’s word, and if we want to be serious about our parenting.
Biblical suggestions for parents:
- Parents are not to provoke their children (Ep. 6.4). Sometimes we do it in anger, sometimes because we are not thinking, but it is never appropriate to purposely agitate or aggravate your children. Parents are to be positive and uplifting for their kids.
- Parents are to teach and train their children (Ep. 6.4). Do not fall into the trap of believing that you send your children to school for education. You are your child’s primary teacher in all things.
- Parents should care for the needs of their children (2 Corinthians 12.14). Do not forget your responsibility to feed and clothe your children, as well as provide for their health, their well-being, their future and more. Being a parent never ends.
- Parents love their children without condition. Remember that Mary, Jesus’ mother followed him around everywhere. At times it had to be uncomfortable, embarrassing, or even dangerous. But even when he was executed as a criminal Mary stood by loving him. We need to love our children even when they make bad choices and disappoint us, just like Mary.
- Parents must be responsible for the Christian nurture, education and discipleship of their children (Deuteronomy 6.7). We must never buy the lie that children should choose for themselves. We must teach our children to follow God by word and example. We must accompany them to worship. We must encourage them to participate in church youth groups and Sunday school classes.
This list could go on indefinitely. We will stop here, however, with an admonition to commit yourself and your children to the Lord. It does not matter how old or young they are, your children need to have a strong relationship with you and with Jesus. Pray for them daily. Share your love regularly. Never forget your most important task.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Social Justice
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Went to a Garden Party
Nelson wrote that song in response to fans who expected him to continue singing "Hello Mary Lou" and his other hits from the 1950's. He moved on, however. He stretched. He wanted to grow. His answer to those who wanted him to always be Ricky Nelson, Ozzie and Harriet's boy, was that he was his own person.
In a recent post I discussed the importance of various relationships. This is a very similar topic to me. Who do you plan to please? Who do you need to please? Ricky Nelson was all about pleasing himself. The current crop of pop music stars are all about pleasing everyone else (so that they can sell records). But which is right.
- Pleasing myself. If I focus only on pleasing myself, I will miss many of the greatest blessings in life. I will become ingrown and not get the joy of relationships with others that can be extremely beneficial and fruitful. For as I seek to please only myself, I will alienate others who are much less concerned with my pleasure.
- Pleasing others. When my biggest concern is what others think and how I can make them happy, I may shortcut my own ability to be happy. If I do not know myself, or what I am supposed to be doing, how can I be truly fulfilled?
- Pleasing God. Here is the million dollar answer. When I spend my time and energy pleasing God, I will be personally fulfilled because God's plan for my life is to please him. I will be in good standing with others, because God will give me favor with others. I will be concerned with their wants, needs, desires and expectations.
The bottom line is that when I please God, I will win all the way around. In Matthew 6.33 Jesus says that if we seek God's ways first, everything else that we need will be taken care of. I'm for that.
Monday, June 14, 2010
What Opinion Matters
- A person's opinion of herself is important. Every human needs to have a realistic view of who she is. That means that we must all know what our strengths and weaknesses are. It was Socrates who said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." I could not agree more. We must know who we are, what we are good at, and what we cannot do. When we have a good grasp of who we really are, when we have an honest opinion of our abilities and limitations, then we can be a more complete person.
- The opinions of other people is important. Whether we like to admit it or not, every person cares what others think about him. It is not always healthy, but it is definitely unhealthy to not care at all about the opinions of others. Take into account the person whose opinion you are considering. Does he have a good track record? Do you generally value his opinion on other matters? Is it his desire to build up or tear down?
- God's opinion matters to a person. Unfortunately, God's opinion is often not taken into account in a person's self-analysis. We buy into pop-philosophies like "I'm OK, you're OK," and think that's all there is to it. Shame on us. We should consider what God wants for us and from us first.
There is at least one thing to remember though: You must have a balance between all of the inputs. It will leave a person insecure and flaky if he is only concerned about what someone else thinks. Likewise, you will find yourself egotistical and lonely if you think too much of yourself. Begin by listening to God, then mix in the other factors and you will be set. You will be on your way to becoming a well-balanced person.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Right Relationships and Responsibilities
- A relationship with God. For me this one goes without saying. The very foundation of my life and priority system is based on the values that I receive from my spiritual life. The first thing I do each day needs to be to spend time with God.
- A relationship with my family/spouse. These are not the same, but somewhat similar. I need an intimate and strong support system. Family can provide specific checks and accountability that no one else can. Likewise, my family nourishes my emotional life like no one else.
- A relationship with friends. This is the most tricky. These friendships run the gamut of experience. I need friends to socialize with, friends to share my heart with and friends to challenge me professionally, spiritually and intellectually.
- A "pressure-valve" relationship. The one thing that is missing in my life is a relationship with someone that I can 'blow-off' to. I need someone who will not think less of me if I struggle or stumble. I need someone that I can complain to who will not judge me or be offended at me. I need someone that will listen with an open heart, and whom will not worry me.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Getting Control
- Don't put things off. Take advantage of every opportunity to resolve conflicts and disputes. When you wait for someone else to resolve things, they are in charge of them.
- Regularly evaluate your life, your values and your purpose. Make sure that you are spending your time doing the things that will give you control. Don't waste your time on "trifles."
- Be aggressive, but graceful. Take advantage of your position in life, but not to the disadvantage of others. Your goal should be to control your life, not someone else's.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Problems I Have with the Bible
- The Prodigal Son (Luke 15). The story of the Lost Son is pretty straightforward and familiar to everyone. But I wonder about the older brother. He gets all the reward? His father insists that all he has belongs to the older brother. On the one hand this is only fair, but on the other, the father is to serve as a picture of God. Is this the loving Father that we are to believe in and hope for? When we turn from our sins can we anticipate forgiveness but no reward?
- The Wedding Feast (John 2). This was Jesus' first miracle- commonly referred to as turning water into wine. The servants in the story obeyed Jesus' directions to fill the jars with water. Why? No one had ever seen Jesus do a miracle, surely they did not expect one now. Why would they? Whose wedding was this? Why was Jesus so interested?
- Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22). God called Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. We know how the story turns out. We know that God provides a sacrifice in place of Isaac, but what a state of discomfort we go through on the way to the end of the story. Why does God do that? It seems like some sort of sick game that God is playing.
- Wrathful War. There are numerous instances in the Old Testament in which God orders his people to kill everyone of their enemies, including women and children. The Israelites, in fact, are punished when they do not completely kill everyone. Why would God order this? Isn't there a better way?
Monday, May 10, 2010
A Difficult Thing
There are some days that I do nothing right. I hurt people's feelings with my words. I offend others with my actions. There is a whole group of people who I neglect all together. Meanwhile I am in near financial ruin because of poor choices. My family is struggling because of my deficient leadership. I feel hopeless and directionless.
The bottom line: I don't know what I'm doing.
Life is a crap shoot. You give it your best shot and you hope it works. But sometimes it doesn't. My life isn't always bad, or difficult, or confusing, or pointless, but when it is it stinks. That's when I am reminded that no matter how hard I work at it, I don't get it.
So I pray. I pray because I don't know what I'm doing and God might. He might have an idea where I have gone wrong and what I can do to improve things. He might be able to help show me what I need to do, where I need to go.
Ultimately, no matter what, God cannot make my mess any worse than it already is. Even if he doesn't care and can't do anything, praying to him can't hurt.
But, I don't believe that. I think that God is interested. I believe that he is powerful, caring and involved. I think that he knows my situation and can fix me and my problems. Not only that, I believe with all my heart that God knows what he is doing. I'm going to give him my problems. He will know what to do with them.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Family Lists: Parents with Parents
These are interesting days that we live in. The average lifespan of every American is longer now than it ever has been before. We have more advanced healthcare than at any time in our history. When originally conceived, Social Security was designed to take care of American men and women for the last few months and years of their lives. The system has stopped working because people are living longer. There is not enough money to support people for five, ten, twenty or more years.
- Remember that you must always to love your parents (Colossians 3.20). When making decisions for or with your parents remember that they are people of value. God loves them. So should you. Your convenience is not the most important issue at stake.
- Jesus was concerned with caring for his mother. Even at his death, Jesus was thoughtful enough to make provision for his mother’s care and protection (John 19.27).
- Consider the feelings and wishes of your parents. Their priorities and desires may not be the same as yours. Take into account their feelings.
- Always think about what is best for everyone. There may come a time when you will need to take away a driver’s license, a favorite power tool or kitchen utensil. Do so with love, grace, empathy and understanding.
- Spend as much time with your parents as possible. As they get older they will have fewer and fewer friends. They will be less mobile and social. You and your family should pick up the slack. Your parents are people of value and a gift from God. Treat them as such. Make sure that they know you believe they are special.
- When dealing with end of life concerns, be thoughtful, prayerful and considerate. No one wants to think about death, advance directives or even funeral planning. Be patient, but persistent. Be loving, but firm.
- Remember that God is always in charge. His plans are greater than yours. His ideas are bigger than you are.
Remember where you came from. They are people who have loved you. At the end of their lives they should know that they are loved in return.
Monday, April 12, 2010
In Prayer I
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Threefold Jesus
- Jesus' words are crucial to Christians. We get our pattern for life from what Jesus taught. We know that we are supposed to live in a certain way, because Jesus told us to live that way. Much of our ethic, at least where it affects public life and civil discourse, comes from the words of Jesus. The social justice Christians- of which I am one- are significantly influenced by the words of Jesus.
- Jesus' actions are crucial to Christians. We learn how to interact with others, how to teach, how to show compassion and how to stand for truth by studying how Jesus does it. We also learn to expect miracles, healings and strong stands for the oppressed by watching what Jesus does. The evangelical and charismatic Christians- of which I am one- are significantly influenced by the actions of Jesus.
- Jesus' life is crucial to Christians. There are several things to cover here. Jesus, according to orthodox Christianity, is the incarnation of God himself. That is, the life of Jesus is important because he was God in the flesh. Secondly, Jesus was completely human. Although he was divine, he was still a man. He knows all about my weaknesses and struggles because he had them too. Finally, Jesus' life ended, but it did not stay ended. He is alive today to verify for all Christians the truth of our faith. Christians- of which I am one- are significantly influenced by the life of Jesus.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Staying on Track
Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2.4
It is now two days after Easter. Most of you know that I believe Easter to be the greatest day of the year. Without Easter we would not celebrate any other holy days or holidays. In fact, were it not for Easter, there would not be a Christian faith. So each spring I focus my attention and energy to Easter. Lent has become important to me as a preparation for the best day of the year. But this year things have been different in my head and in my heart.
My head has been pre-occupied and busy with all sorts of activity and involvement. The minutiae of life has taken over it seems. I have- necessarily, I believe- neglected some of the things that I would normally be paying attention to. I have not been the person that I should be because my mind has not been where it should be. One perfect example of this inattentiveness is the tardiness of this article. It was due over two weeks ago. And yet, here I am writing it now. I am sorry that this is late. I am sorry that it has held up the whole newsletter. I am sure that you have no idea how truly sorry I am.
My heart has been emotionally fragmented and stunted. I have had less patience for people, their concerns and how I can help them than I should have. My commitments are waning. I know what I should be doing, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to overcome a nagging sense of apathy. My relationships are suffering as a result.
The confessional nature of this writing is semi-intentional. It is not my purpose to ease my conscience or provide a sense of emotional absolution for my own shortcomings, although it is doing that very thing. I am writing this particular article because I believe that I am not the only one with these problems. I have a hunch that many people reading this are struggling with apathy, complacency and indifference. Lack of commitment often creeps in and takes hold of our hearts without warning. We are stuck with it before we even know it.
There are some answers, though.
- Begin with prayer. You may not feel like it. You may not want to do it. But pray.
- Renew your commitments. Be reminded of all that you have promised your family, your God, your church and your community.
- Find an accountability partner or team. There are people all around you who can use a little help in this process, just like you. Keep track of each other and your progress in these things. Push one another along.
- Do a regular self-check. Keep track of your progress and give yourself a grade every few weeks. On the first of every month, for example, evaluate your priorities and intentions. Make sure that you are staying on course with what you have promised and what God wants for you.
- Finally, let God help you in this process. It was Paul who encouraged his young disciple, Timothy, with these words, “…stir up the gift of God which is in you…” (1 Timothy 1.6). God wants you to be revived, to remember, to return.
I know that I need to get things straightened out in my life. I am not sure where you are, but let me encourage you to remember what you are called to do. Don’t be lazy. Do what God has called you to do.