Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reading Plan 2011

Each year I try to set goals for my reading in the coming year. I am a committed reader, learner and book person. (Although I must admit that I have looked lustily at the Kindle.) My greatest joys in life are reading a good book while listening to good music. While all of that is true, it is also true that for the last two years my reading has been disappointing to me. I have failed for various reasons. That does not diminish my desire to make 2011 a good reading year. My goals for the coming year are somewhat less ambition than in past years, but they are goals nonetheless.
  • I will read The Message paraphrase of the Bible.
  • I have collected many books through the years at book sales, garage sales and the like. In 2011 I will read the books that I have not already read by some of my favorite popular authors, Garrison Keillor, John Grisham and Stephen King.
  • I will read at least six books on church leadership.
  • I will do some reading to support a series of sermons on the book of Psalms.

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