Saturday, August 1, 2009

Road Trip/ Car Games #1

What follows is intended for families, youth groups and others who are going on long car/van/road trips. The time will go more quickly if everyone participates. All that is required for the following games are a small notepad, a pencil and a good sense of humor.
  • The Billboard Alphabet Game. This is a trusty old standby. Everyone has already played this game. As you are driving you look at all the signs (outside of the car) and find all the letters in the alphabet. The first one to clear all 26 letters wins. It is a good idea- but not necessary- to require that each letter, or even each sign be used only once.
  • The Last Name Alphabet Game. On one page of your notepad, write one last name for each letter of the alphabet. For example: A- Adams, B- Baker, C- Carter. The first one to have all 26 letters covered wins the game. Make sure to check each person so that no one cheats. Some variations could include:
  1. A competition to come up with the most "A" names in one minute. You can use any letter.
  2. A round-robin where each person has to come up with a name for the next letter. I will get A- Albertson. The next person will answer Boone, for B. And the game continues until the alphabet is complete.
  3. In another round-robin variation, everyone must come up with an "A" name before you can move on the "B".
  • The Country Alphabet Game. This is much like the "Last Name" game, with geography. Everyone gets a new page on their notepads and lists one country for each letter of the alphabet. For example, A- Australia, B- Bermuda, C- Cuba. You can use the same variations with this game. Another variation would be a contest to see who could name the most total countries.


B Bone said...

There are also games where people can spot license plates. You have to find a license plate where the first number is a "1" then a different plate where it begins with a "2" then when it gets to "10" the first two digits have to start with 10.

You can also play another game where you have to spot license plates from different states. The person who spots the most states wins.

You can also play where you spot how many headlights only have one light thats out. The person with the most at a certain amount of time wins.

You can also do the game, "I see with my eye something..." and you say a color or some description of it and everyone else has to guess what it is. This can be a lot of fun.

You can also do a theme song game where you sing the song and everyone has to guess what show it comes off of.

You can also do a game where someone makes up a title of a song and the other(s) have to sing it. Improv is a very fun thing to do in a car and is very fun.

There are many more but its 1:20 am and this Spikes Amazing Videos is making me tired.


Wow Gold said...

Very Nice Blog

Wow Gold said...

Very Nice Blog

Wow Gold said...

Very Nice Blog