Wednesday, January 30, 2008

One Name

I think that I can summarize my life and my work very simply. In fact, it is one word, one name that tells the story of who I am and what I do: Jesus.
  • Jesus is my message. Everything that I do, live for, teach and believe is summarized in the life and ministry of Jesus. The gospels are my text book and Jesus is my message.
  • Jesus is my mission. My purpose in life is to tell as many people as I can about Jesus. My goal is to get as many people to know about Jesus- and to follow Jesus- as I can before I die. Jesus is my mission.
  • Jesus is my ministry. It is very easy for us 'ministry-types' to get consumed with our ministries. We know all the needs that we have to meet and every day there are more. There is never a shortage of things to do in religious work. But I try to be careful to never lose sight of the most important thing I am to do. I am to love, worship and serve Jesus. My primary ministry is Jesus.
  • Jesus is my model. The classic question, "What would Jesus do?" is very appropriate. Everything that I do should be found acceptable when compared to the work, the ministry, the teachings of Jesus. I need to pattern my life after him.
  • Jesus is my method. That state may be a little misleading. It would be better to say, "Whatever gets people to consider and know Jesus is my method." Plainly stated, I try to become all things to all men so that I can win some. Jesus is my method.

How is that for simplicity? One name is the answer to all the problems and concerns in my life. You could say that Jesus is my life. Shouldn't he be yours as well.

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