Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Most Important Issues
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Justifying Our Sin?
But this week I have been think especially about abortion. We are less than one week from a presidential election in the USA. There are many people- mostly evangelical Christians and Catholics- who are voting primarily on the issue of abortion. This seems to be a wasted vote, as far as I am concerned. For six of the last eight years there has been a "pro-life" majority in both houses of Congress and the White House, and no substantial movement in this area has been made. Now the biggest concession that I have seen is a movement to allow exceptions to anti-abortion laws.
As outrageous and evil as abortion is, the current mood of the anti-abortion movement is to allow for exceptions. There should be certain cases, the argument goes, when abortions would be allowed. The most common reasons for allowing an abortion include the health and safety of the mother and the instances of rape and incest. That is, that women whose health may be threatened by carrying and delivering a full-term child would be allowed to terminate their pregnancy. Other women, who have conceived through the violent actions of others, would likewise be allowed to abort.
My first problem with these exceptions is that I believe that all humans have sacred value. No matter how small, or how old, every human being is given worth by God. What makes a mother more important than an unborn child? Why is her health more important than the health of a child? Why do we consider her security and mental state more important than that of her child?
But more importantly, and this is where I had a 'eureka' moment this week, if abortion is a sin, it is a sin. There should be no cases where it is not a sin to have an abortion. Is it less sinful if a gossip about a person who hurt my feelings than one who did not? We may justify one as an understandable payback, but both cases are gossip nonetheless.
The fact that a mother is uncomfortable, stressed or in danger does not mean that killing a child is not a sin. The fact that a child may be born with disabilities does not justify killing the child. A sin is a sin. Abortion is a sin.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
What I Believe About the Second Coming
To begin with, I cannot believe that I am even tackling this issue. After all, I have always said- and I still believe- that if you have your life right with Christ, you do not have to be concerned about when he is coming back. But I know that there is great concern over the second coming of Christ. The “Left Behind” books sent the Christian world into a tizzy about end times events and interpretations. Whatever your theological perspective, you have heard about, or thought about the Rapture, the Parousia, the second coming, the tribulation and the millennium.
Even though there is no way we can know the specifics, and even though many people get consumed with speculation and prediction, let me conclude with some simple rules of thumb for all those who want to meet Jesus in the air when he returns.
- Do not take the predictions and dooms day-ers too seriously. Jesus will come again and no amount of worrying will change that, or prepare you for it.
- Do not become consumed with studying prophecies and trying to figure out all those mysteries. Study God’s word, but do it with balance. Study the whole Bible.
- Be prepared all the time. Remember Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25.1-10). Those who were spiritually ready got to meet the bridegroom.
- Live like the end is coming today, but do not be disappointed if you live a long life and still do not see Jesus.
I know that I have not answered the questions that are most prevalent, but I believe that I have dealt with the most important issues. Jesus is coming soon. But it may not be for a long time yet.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Weekly Prayer Thought
It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.Matthew 21.13
The house of the Lord, should be a house of prayer. In fact, there are some churches that are even called 'House of Prayer.' It is a way to designate that the church is devoted to the worship of God and establishing and building relationships with Jesus. That should be the goal of every church- every 'house of prayer.'
But Jesus is concerned because in the passage here, the Temple was definitely not a house of prayer. It had become a marketplace for religious articles. It had become a banking center for the city of Jerusalem. Too often our churches have become places of social interaction. We join the church like we join the Lions Club, or the Moose Lodge. We count our participation in the church as equal to our time in 'service organizations.' This should not be.
The church, the modern equivalent of the house of prayer, needs to be a place that creates an atmosphere which welcomes and even encourages prayer. The church must be a place where we receive those who need prayer and pray for them and with them. For this season, we need to be sure that our church is a "House of Prayer." We must take care that we do not emphasize the wrong things, but focus on the Lord and his work.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. I have neglected your word, your will and your work. And maybe worst of all, I have neglected the work of prayer. Forgive me my failings. Encourage me as I seek to reclaim the true purpose of your house. Amen.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
How to Say It??
Here is where the racism comes in, however. There are many people, usually white people, who are threatened by any advance or change in the status quo. These people believe that by preserving old mores and values they are conserving American heritage for future generations. For them the ideal for America is English-speaking, white people with two children per family. They are mad that people speak Spanish (of Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Arabic, German, etc.) in the USA. After all, they reason, this is America. We speak English here. (Never mind that America has no official language. All people and tongues are supposed to be welcomed.)
By holding on to the English language, they have convinced themselves that they are caring for American culture. However, I contend that there is no "American culture," at least in the sense that we may want to think of it. America is the place that has given us fast food and the chain department store. These economic powerhouses have learned that they need to appeal to everyone. Therefore, there is nothing unique. Wal-Mart is roughly the same in Phoenix, Arizona as it is in the Appalachian Mountains of East Kentucky. McDonald's has the same menu in Anchorage as it does in Jacksonville.
White people have become bland, lifeless and vanilla. Don't believe me? Think about these observations:
- The top selling condiment in America is salsa. When we are snacking, we choose Mexican food.
- Taco Bell, again with the Mexican food, is one of the top fast-food chains in America.
- The closest town to where I live (Sturgis, Michigan, population <12,000)>
- For at least 50 years white teens have adopted the music, language and fashion of popular African-American culture. Today Hip Hop rules.
The things that add flavor and color to your community and to our nation are not to be found at Applebee's. No matter how much we protest, we want variety.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
How to Think Like a Christian about Imperialism
The United States was one of the first to rebel against the domination and imperialism of Britain. And although many followed our lead, we did not repudiate the ideology that led to the conquest of many peoples throughout the world.
As an American, and a very patriotic one at that, I will contend that to date we have not pursued world domination in the same way that England did. But we have and are pursuing world domination nonetheless.
For most of our history we have been content to live in peace and harmony with our neighbors and others, until we are provoked. Current popular opinion believes that only in the "Bush Doctrine" have we begun to justify an attitude that instigates conflicts. But this is not true. A simple recounting of history reminds us that we rebelled against the British. We began a war with ourselves (the Civil War) to preserve the country. In this century we have engaged in war in Korea, Viet Nam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq all without being attacked or threatened.
But we have been imperialistic in other ways.
- Our goods and services have invaded the whole world. I was able to spend two weeks in a remote corner of Africa last year and have a Diet Coke every day. We believe that our stuff is best and we ought to conquer the world with it.
- Our media- news, television, music, movies- is everywhere. Movie studios plan on overseas ticket sales to stay in the black. American stars are usually stars everywhere else.
- Our culture has influenced people everywhere. It is hard to find spots where our styles and attitudes are not present.
- Our religions have begun to conquer the world. Everywhere you go, USA is seen as a Christian nation and an enemy to other faiths. (This is a long way removed from the puritans initial quest and our founding fathers' dreams for our country.)
I think that there are many ways in which our ways, beliefs and practices can benefit all of mankind. Health care improvements, medical facilities, educational advancements, all of these are ways that we can help the world. But we must not let our advantages become disadvantages for others.
I long for all people to come to my faith. I think that it is my responsibility to help people to become Christians. This is what Jesus instructed, after all. But I want to celebrate the diversity of languages, foods and cultures that make up the world. We should be joining together holding hands, not pushing our ways onto others.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What Kind of Person Are You?
- Hypocritical. Hypocritical people are those who are always trying to put on airs. They want others to believe that they are something that they are not. This happens all the time in religious circles. Someone wants everyone else to believe that they do not sin and so they pretend to be holier than they are. Non-religious people do this as well, however. Everyone wants to make a good impression. They may want you to think that they make more money than they really do; that they have a better house; that they have a better job; that they are more educated; that they use better language; that they have a great home life. You get the picture. Everyone knows some hypocrites.
- Hyper-critical. These are the people that are never happy. They could find fault with a sunny day. Everyone is out to get them and the world is in big trouble. You can hear a lot of this sort of thing especially in election years. These are the people who never have lunch dates and others try to avoid. Although I am not sure that they notice their loneliness- or even care about it- they are definitely alone in the world.
- Happy. Happy people make up most of the population. We know that life is not perfect, but its pretty good. We have learned to be satisfied, content, with the way things are. We choose to believe that the glass is half full and even in the worst times things will get better.
Most people are pre-disposed to one of these attitudes. However, I believe that you can go a long way toward fixing your situation. Make some decisions that will allow you to change. Realize that happiness is often a choice. Even in the worst circumstances you can be happy with who you are and your situation.
I am trying really hard to be a happy boy.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekly Prayer Thought
But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father whois in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. Matthew 6.6
One of the greatest problems that Christians have when it comes to pray is completely practical in nature. We all know that we should pray. We long to pray. We feel guilty for not praying. We know that we should make time for prayer and devote energy to it. However, for most of our lives we have been encouraged to pray, but given very little instruction on how to pray.
Jesus words in Matthew 6 are intended to be instructive for followers of Christ. This is a simple 'how-to-pray' seminar for the disciples. Today, I want to offer a similar Introductory prayer survey for everyone who is interested.
- The most important thing is to pray. Too often we study about prayer. We read books on prayer and we listen to teachings on prayer. Sometime you must stop all of those things and pray.
- Write your prayers. This will give you some structure and limits. You will be able to focus better and get to the point. Also, writing forces you to slow down. This will allow you to hear what God is saying.
- Make a conscious decision (commitment) to pray. Forget that deception from the enemy that convinces you that you will "get around to it." Pick a time and place to pray.
- Read a passage of Scripture and pray about what you have read. Use Matthew 6 and ask God to reveal his word to you in a personal way.
- Find a prayer partner. There is someone who would love to work with you on prayer. You do not have to pray together, but you can check with one another on your progress and make sure that you are doing what you need to.
- Pray before every meal. This will help you get into the habit. Find other times to get into the habit of praying. Pray before bed time, before getting out of bed, before driving, before a meeting, before a test, after work...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Let Us Sing
- They do not know the words. Although this is a sad commentary in a nation where the song is sung at every professional and amateur sporting event.
- They think that they cannot sing. Again, this is a real possibility, but in a stadium of hundreds (thousands) of people one person's voice is virtually unnoticeable.
- The tune is hard to sing. There is no argument here. There are very few tunes more difficult to sing in the popular culture.
- Some people have an emotional response to the song and the words. Singing may be too difficult for them to manage.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Out of Focus
Following the purging of church buildings, worship services quickly followed. No longer would there be hymns, hymn books, clerical collars and robes or choirs. Anything that looked traditional (read, old-fashioned) was cast aside so that a church could be seeker-focused.
Before I go any further, let me assure you that I am all about reaching new people. I feel like I am personally seeker-focused. I am always looking to build relationships with people who do not yet know Jesus. However, often what happens in the seeker-focused world is that we dilute the Christian content to an extent that what is left looks like a motivational seminar in a shopping center.
Here are some philosophies of ministry that are attracting a lot of attention, and a lot of people, these days.
- Seeker Focused. The seeker-focused model directs all its attentions and efforts to reaching those who do not know Christ. Contemporary forms and methods are used to speak to the unchurched in a relevant, non-threatening way. My main criticism is that this system forgets the importance of worship, nurture, spiritual growth, tradition and the historical reality of Christianity in the USA and around the world.
- Believer Focused. This model is either a precursor to the seeker-focused church, or a reaction to it. Believer-focused churches are not opposed to evangelism, but they are supremely interested in building up the "body of Christ." The belief is that all Christians should be spiritually "fed" and so the comfort of non-believers is diminished in importance and consideration.
- Jesus Focused. A Jesus focused approach to ministry is not necessarily opposed to either of the other models. However, the emphasis is always on finding and following the will and the way of Jesus. The comfort of seekers is less important than exaltation of Jesus. The acceptance and support of believers is submitted to the work of Jesus. Jesus first. Jesus last. Jesus all.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Two Nights- Two Movies- One Message
The first movie was a rather violent and profane film called In Bruges. It is the story of two hitmen who are hiding out in Bruges, Belgium because of a botched hit. The right person was killed, but an innocent bystander was killed as well. There are great moments when the two killers, played by Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson, argue with one another. Gleeson loves the churches and the quaint atmosphere of Bruges. Farrell's character was born in and for the big city. Bruges is to slow, quiet and dull for him. Events in the movie seem to crawl by until the hit men receive their instructions from their boss, played by an evil Ralph Fiennes.
We learn, through a turn of events that I will not describe, that the two hit men, as much as they seem to dislike one another, are actually great friends. Each of them is called upon to risk his own life for the other, and each answers the call without hesitation. There is a strong undercurrent of faithfulness and loyalty between the two. It is possible to miss this lesson, but we should not.
The second film, The Darjeeling Limited, is the latest movie from Wes Anderson. As a general rule, I love Anderson's movies. They are just weird enough to be very interesting, yet normal enough that I do not have to assume an alternate identity to "get" them. This one stars Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schartzman as three estranged brothers trying to re-connect on a train trip/ pilgrimage across India. The colors and situations are vibrant, expressive and explosive. The three brothers share a serious love-hate relationship. All of this seems to come from their unresolved conflicts with their mother, who, it turns out, is the object of their pilgrimage.
Again, I will not spoil the story because you should see this film. You should see it because it is obscure. You should see it because it is absurd. You should see it because it is funny. You should see it because if you pay attention you will learn a lot. The brothers on the trip were able to reclaim their relationship. Through a series of unexpected and unlikely adventures they remembered that they love each other. They are reminded of the importance of family, even if their mother does not get it.
Both of these movies could be classified as redemptive. There are values that are brought into focus that may be unnoticed without the movies. Watch. Enjoy. Learn. Grow.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Weekly Prayer Thought
"May they prosper who love you.
Peace be within your walls,
Prosperity within your palaces.
"For the sake of my brethren and companions,
I will now say, "Peace be within you."
Because of the house of the LORD our God
I will seek your good.
Psalm 122.6-9
Before you get the wrong idea, let me assure you that this is not a political message. I do not want to diminish the difficulty of Israeli-Palestinian relations by pretending to know something about it in three short paragraphs. I know very little about that conflict, or the underlying causes. However, I do know something about God's will as it is expressed in the Bible.
First of all, we are to pray for peace. And although this passage speaks specifically to peace in Jerusalem, I think that it would not be wrong to apply this admonition to all times, situations and places. We should pray for peace. Peace should be on our pray list for the nations and conflicts of the world. You and I should pray for Iraq, Iran, Darfur, North Korea, Georgia, Columbia and more.
And not only should we be praying for peace around the world, we should be praying for peace in our homes, families and communities as well. I believe that it is completely within the will of God to encourage peace in all situations.
Finally, we see that there is a prayer for prosperity. Do not confuse this with some 'get-rich quick' scheme, or a 'name it and claim it' prosperity gospel. This has to do with contentment, with satisfaction and abundant life. Pray that God will meet your needs, and that he will allow you to be grateful for his will.
PRAYER: Good and great God, give us peace. Allow us to be loving and gracious to those around us and surround us with your love. Make us peace makers. Use us to plant seeds of understanding and contentment in our world. Amen.
Friday, October 10, 2008
How We Got in the Mess We're In
The Bible gives a very clear perspective of what the church should be. In the New Testament book of Acts, the church is pictured as being concerned with the complete (holistic) state of humanity. There is a definite emphasis on spiritual issues, but the physical, emotional and relationship concerns of individuals are not concerned.
Jesus, and his first followers were very interested in the needs and concerns of the whole person. So we see Jesus feeding hungry people. The earliest church shared their resources so that all could be taken care of. No one was without because everyone voluntarily pitched in. The church has been, and still should be, concerned with the physical needs of all people, whether they claim to be followers of God or not.
The church has failed, however.
Sometime along the line, I am not sure when this happened, the church quit fulfilling its obligation to the whole person. In fact, many within the church now neglect- and even reject- any responsibility for caring for anything more than the basic spiritual needs of the community. We do not want to be bothered with the sick, poor, imprisoned, homeless... (well, you get the picture).
There have been periods in our history, and now may be one of them, when there were serious social, economic and emotional needs in communities. When there are needs to be met, someone must meet them. Unfortunately, when the church has not stepped in to do its job, the government has been forced to do it. We have a huge government because the church has failed in caring for the needs of the community.
I do not have a solution for this situation. It would be great if the church if the church could resume its rightful place in society and care for these needs. At this point, however, I cannot see this as feasible. The church is unprepared and unable to serve at the same rate as the government is currently. But something needs to happen. If the church did what it was supposed to we would have...
- larger churches
- a greater percentage of people committed to Christ
- lower taxes
- smaller government
- a more positive perception of the church.
Isn't it time that the church did something good, for a change?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Music is Communal
- We will all get used to the isolation of the personal ear bud.
- We will forget how to interact with one another.
- There will be fewer and fewer meaningful conversations.
- Music will die as markets get smaller and smaller.
- School music programs will get smaller and smaller because there are not musical discussions taking place in society at large.
- Music will go away.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Consistently Pro-Life, part 2
- Gun Control. If we are going to be in favor of life, we should support measures that protect all life. Therefore, it should not be too much to ask that we regulate the ownership and use of certain guns. I can think of no reason for a private citizen to own an automatic weapon or an assault rifle. Many lives could be saved each year with careful regulation and oversight of gun ownership. It is frequently the same people who are pro-life and pro-gun.
- Health Care. All people should have access to the latest advancements in medical technology. Unfortunately, often those who are opposed to abortion are also opposed to greater access to health care.
- Euthanasia. The end of life is just as valuable, and sacred, as the beginning. We cannot neglect the elderly in institutions and in private homes who are forgotten and taken for granted.
- Capital Punishment. Here is the big one. We cannot continue to condemn people to hell by putting them to death. I choose to be pro-life by opposing abortion and the death penalty. Just because someone is a criminal it does not mean that his life is not precious to God. Again, it is the same people who favor expanding capital punishment and restricting abortion.
- Assisted Suicide. Do not tell me that a person should be allowed to take his life. Do not talk about merciful doctors who provide drugs and counsel to end a life. Being pro-life means opposing those who practice this and holding them accountable.
- War. I know that there is a long history of "just war" from at least the time of Augustine. I am also well aware of the Old Testament commands of God to annihilate enemies. But, I also know and love committed Christian pacifists who love and obey God. I am not ready to become a pacifist, but I am trying to struggle with how I can be pro-life and support military action.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I believe that televangelists, those Christian ministers that are seen preaching on television, have a different definition of evangelism than I operate with. I believe that evangelism is sharing the truth of the story of Jesus- specifically focusing on his sinless life, vicarious death and resurrection- with the ultimate hope of recruiting new followers for Jesus.
Often local churches get confused about evangelism. They begin to think that any time someone new comes into the building it is evangelism. This is how the evangelism committee comes to be in charge of the annual chicken noodle dinner. However, that is not evangelism. The chicken noodle dinner is a fundraiser. It does not recruit new people to the
Televangelism suffers the same sort of problems. Consider the follow items that seem to consume the large majority of time on Christian television:
- Church services filled with people who are already Christians.
- Sermons about how Christians can have a better life.
- Teachings about how Christians can have more money.
- Sermons about how Christians can be more successful.
- Fundraising pleas (also known as “fundraising, please”).
On my satellite television system I can get about 10 “Christian” television channel/ networks (this does not include the Mormon channel or the Christian music channel). Much of the time I see the same preachers on every channel. Joyce Meyer and TD Jakes are everywhere. (Interestingly, I never see homely or obese preachers on those stations.) These networks are designed primarily for Christians, who pay the bills for them. This means that evangelism takes a back seat from the very beginning.
If a televangelist were really interested in evangelism he would…
· Get off the Christian channel. People who do not know Jesus do not watch that station anyway.
· He would do more than just broadcast a church service intended for the edification of those who are already convinced.
· He would not spend most of his time raising money so that his program could stay on the air.
But that’s just what I think.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Weekly Prayer Thought
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day.
Psalm 25.4-5
Sometimes I get the feeling that my prayers are ineffective and dull. I think that I am in a rut and praying the same things over and over again. This becomes too obvious on the occasions when I review what I have written in my Prayer Journal. I see the same petitions over and over again. I get embarrassed at the simple language that I use. I wonder if God will even take the time to listen to me.
That is when I rejoice over a passage like this one. There are not a lot flowery words or important requests. No one's life seems to be in jeopardy. This is a simple prayer. It comes from a place of humility in the heart of the one who is praying. Remember, humility is an attitude that we all need to cultivate in our prayer lives.
I am a very simple person. I do not know things unless someone tells me. I do not, cannot, will not know the ways of God unless he shows them to me. I want to know God's will. I long to do what God desires. I just need to know it. Like the Psalmist, I am willing to wait all day, but I need to hear from the Lord.
PRAYER: Show me your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; on you I wait all the day. Amen.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Personal Ghost Town
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Consistently Pro-Life
- The pro-life politicians have done nothing to change the laws in this country to eliminate or decrease the number of abortions. In the last 40 years there have been pro-life presidents for 32. In six of the last eight years we have had a pro-life congress and a pro-life president. And yet, there has been no significant (or insignificant) change in abortion law.
- Although abortion is a terrible thing in this country, there are other issues that should be taken into account. Should we focus on abortion only when our nation is losing an unnecessary war? Should we put a priority on abortion when our economy is crumbling? Should abortion be our only issue when our poor are uneducated, untrained and uncared for?
- Our focus on abortion distracts us from the real work of renewing the world and ushering in the Kingdom of God. If we were more effective in evangelism there would be fewer abortions.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Jazz in Real Life
- Jazz music keeps going no matter what. The piano player can get a cramp in his fingers, but the music continues. The sax player may cough, but nothing stops. Life is like that too. No matter what happens things keep going. Steve Miller said that time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future. Its true.
- In Jazz music, anything can happen. Jazz is built on the principle of improvisation. That is, all the musicians know the framework of the number. They are aware of the tempo, the tune and the basic structure of the song, but when it is time to solo... anything goes. If that is not a reflection of real life I don't know what is. You have a general idea of what the next week, or year, will be like but then someone dies, or the stock market crashes. Anything can happen so be prepared for it.
- Jazz is filled with emotion. When Jazz is really good you do not hear it so much as you feel it. Jazz goes beyond the senses to the heart and soul of people. Jazz, like no other music, helps you get in touch with your inner self, your emotions. And as much as we try, life is emotional. Every day is a sensory-emotional explosion waiting to happen.