Monday, May 12, 2008

Weekly Prayer Thought

I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the LORD." Psalm 122.1

Is your life as busy as mine? I am sure that it is. There are some weeks- this is one of them- when it is hard to schedule one evening for our family to have dinner together. I am going one direction, my wife is going another, and our daughter is going a third way. We have to guard our personal, family and faith time, or it will get eaten up by every other commitment, catastrophe and care.

Often it seems that a good place to get some extra time is on Sunday morning. It looks like we can have some extra rest, some sleep, or a chance to catch up with the family. But be very careful about this. It is easy to lose sight of what is really important in life. Do not neglect spending time with the Lord, on Sunday, or any other day of the week. When we neglect Jesus, we are actually only causing ourselves problems.

This verse gives us a key to the appropriate attitude we should have toward worship- and prayer in general, for that matter. We should rejoice when the opportunity arises to spend time with God. The Creator of all, the King of Glory, the Ruler of all creation wants to meet with us in our churches and in our prayer closets. We should cherish the opportunities and take advantage of them always.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. We are too often selfish and forgetful. We think only of our desires and forget to offer prayers, praise and worship to you. Forgive us. Remind always of the need to spend time- more time- with you. In the name of the One who taught us to pray, Amen.

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