Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Some six year reflections

I am just finishing up my sixth year as pastor of my current churches. That is a long time for me. I am planning on being here at least two more years (if the Lord is willing). Although this is not a terribly significant milestone for most, it has caused me to do some reflection. In these six years we have accomplished a lot. There has been a lot of experimentation. I know that I have changed and grown. I am sure that the same is true for both of my congregations.

I think that one of the things that is distinctive about my work in ministry is that I am all about doing things. I am always on the go, looking for new ideas, innovation. My goal is to build an active, doing, going church. The accomplishments that I point to are almost all related to this sort of doing and going into the world mentality.

Here are some of the accomplishments and some of the experiments that have taken place these years.
  • During my tenure as pastor our churches have participated in 11 missions trips. Over 50 different people have served in mission during these six years. Now a second generation of missions is beginning as one of our members is planning to lead a team to the Gulf Coast this fall.
  • The missions giving, support and commitment has increased in both congregations.
  • The Coconut Hut youth ministry center was launched for teens in the Howe, Indiana area.
  • The MAP, Ministry Apprenticeship Program, was developed to lead young adults into deeper levels of spiritual commitment, discipleship and leadership in the church.
  • We have had, and continue to have several small group Bible studies. Several members of both churches have led groups.
  • There has been an increase in Bible reading, memorization and knowledge as we have all committed ourselves to grow in God's Word.
  • We have hosted several outreach concerts and events for the community and beyond.
  • We began the very popular Christmas Coffeehouse. Each years 150 people attend this musical showcase.
  • The Howe Church has adopted (rescued) the Building Blocks Pre-school. Building Blocks is now a very important part of our ministry.
  • Seven members of our two small churches have received denominational training and are certified as Lay Speakers. This is quite a step in leadership for each of them.
  • There has been increased participation by laity in church services and programs.
  • We have held a periodic Guitar Class as a training tool for potential worship leaders and an outreach to community members.
  • I have just recently convened a group of pastors from the Howe area for fellowship and accountability. We are meeting on a monthly basis.
  • Our churches have increased their commitment and involvement in all areas of church camping. We have had directors, counselors and campers on a regular basis.
  • Upon arriving in Howe, I found that our Vacation Bible School was led by an outside, para-church organization. We have since reclaimed this important ministry.
  • We began a new ministry of outreach, Warm Welcomes, to low income members of our community.
  • We held a Stuffed Sunday, in which we donated several car/truck loads of used clothing to a local community free store and clothing bank.
  • We had a very successful diaper drive to assist with the needs of our local Compassion Pregnancy Center.
  • We have increased our connections to a local youth ministry, The Shed. I currently serve as the Board Chair and three of our teens serve on the youth board.
  • Finally, we have had several people called into the ministry, and sent out into church leadership.

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