Thursday, April 26, 2007

New Year's Resolutions 2007.1

I know all the arguments against making New Year’s Resolutions. I know that they do not last. We do not keep them. They only serve to discourage us when we fail. But I cannot help myself. I keep making resolutions. Every year I make a whole list. I think that if I make a lot of resolutions then surely I will be able to keep one or two. This year I am making resolutions in two categories and you get to see them all.

Category I- Ministry Resolutions
  • In 2007 I plan to make youth ministry a priority for our congregations. This will include enhancing, emphasizing and expanding the Coconut Hut and other youth activities. We will also work to recruit and develop new leaders for youth ministry.
  • We will build the Kid’s Club. This will include a much needed effort to find, recruit, train and deploy new leaders.
  • There will be an emphasis on supporting, working with and expanding the Building Blocks Pre-School.
  • We will develop a new leadership training program. This will include Lay Speaking training and other opportunities.

Category II- Personal Resolutions

  • I will read the Bible in 2007.
  • I will read seven books of classic literature. (I don’t know why I picked seven, but it seemed like the right amount.)
  • I am going to pray about and find the project that I will invest the rest of my life in. Right now the leading contenders are AIDS orphans in Africa and human trafficking of children in Southeast Asia and around the world.
  • I am going to write one song each Friday.

Well, there it is. It seems like a lot. Now you know what I am going to do with 2007. What are you going to be up to?

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