Monday, June 4, 2007

Dream Big... Big Dreams

Dreaming is a dangerous proposition. If you make to big of a deal out of your dreams, it can be embarrassing when they do not come to pass. You can also get into big trouble from those around you when you have big dreams (remember Joseph and his brothers?). If your dreams are to small they are less risky, but they are also less fun to accomplish. So how should you dream? What are some guidelines? Here are a couple of suggestions:
  • The first thing to consider in your dreaming is 'How big is your God?' Dreams are never too big if you are a child of the infinite Lord of the universe. If, however, you believe that God is small, limited or uninterested in our affairs, your dreams will need to be very small.
  • How much time are you willing to give to your dream? How much energy will you devote to it? How committed are you to your dream? If you truly desire a thing, and are willing to work hard toward it, it will come to pass.

I believe that there is nothing that cannot be accomplished by a godly person with a big God who has a big dream. Dream on.

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