Saturday, November 19, 2011


I am currently working on a project called National Novel Writing Month. There is a website: . The object is to take the 30 days of November and write a novel of 50,000 words or more. So I am doing it.

I am currently behind the schedule, but I am still planning to make it to the end. With all that being said, there isn't a lot of time to put entries up here. They will be coming soon. Look for more in December.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How exciting! What is your story about? We are avid readers; so let us know if you ever publish it! My daugther, Hannah, was wanting to do this, but her schedule is too full right now. Lulu is having a short story (600 worew) contest this month; so she did that instead. Lulu is publishing the short stories for free for all of the participants.
Here is a link to her story:
Take care. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving. Tell Shannon I said "hello!"