Sunday, June 26, 2011

To My Friends at Howe and Pretty Prairie

There is no chance that we can adequately thank you all for your kindness, grace and love to us. For 10 years you have treated us as though we belonged here, and for that amount of time we have belonged here. You have been patient when I made mistakes and you have cared for us when we were ill. You prayed for us regularly and allowed us to grow in faith, even as we were leading you to do the same. This weekend (I am writing this on Sunday afternoon) you have gone completely over the top. You honored us with your presence at our Open House on Saturday, and you blessed us in worship today. We have received gifts, good wishes and heartfelt thanks. We have reminisced with you, remembering good times, silly experiences and the work of God. For all of this we thank you. We will take all of you with us to Argos and we will leave a little of ourselves here.

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