- Turn off the television during dinner. Talk about what happened during the day. Play the good thing, bad thing game. Each person tells one good thing and one bad thing that happened during the day.
- Next time, instead of watching a video, play a board game. Talk, laugh and spend time together.
- Do not go to the movies, but instead go bowling or roller skating or miniature golfing. Instead of watching someone else's life you will be living your own and creating great stories for the next story session.
- Practice giving details. Don't gloss over the finer points. Share colors, smells and sounds with others. Bring your listeners to the place where the events took place.
- In the evening, before turning in, discuss the events of the day. Review what happened. Evaluate things. Then spend some time planning for tomorrow.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thoughts on Time, Part III
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thoughts on Time, Part II
- To begin with, when time is at a premium- and for me that is most of the time- I would rather invest money in a situation than time. Time is precious- often more precious than my time.
- Money can be replaced. Time cannot. Once time has elapsed, it is gone forever. I would rather lose my resources than days, months or years.
- People who have plenty of money do not have enough time. They work hard to accomplish great things, and when they do, they must commit much time to maintain their great things. These people are very often rewarded for their efforts. They work long hours and many days and years, but there is very little free or leisure time for them.
- People who have no money have plenty of time. Those who do not have resources often do not have jobs, they do not have amenities, there are no family outings, no meetings to attend. In short, those with limited resources and assets have all the time that they need.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Thoughts on Time, Part I
Monday, October 12, 2009
Weekly Prayer Thought
I have often wondered whether or not I pray often enough, or long enough, or passionately enough, or... Well, I'm sure you get the idea. The thing is, I'm pretty sure that my prayers are anemic at best, and probably pathetic in light of what Jesus has set for us as an example. Even though he was God incarnate, Jesus was an impressive pray-er.
- There were times when he prayed all night long. (Luke 6.12)
- He had special places where he would pray- like a mountain. (Matthew 14.23)
- He prayed early in the morning. (Mark 1.35)
- He prayed by himself. (Mark 1.35)
- His praying was an example for others, especially the disciples. (Luke 9.18)
It is easy to get discouraged if we spend too much time comparing ourselves to Jesus in the area of prayer. We should, rather, see his life-pattern as an inspiration for our own prayer times and emphases. Let's not get hung up on how we fail to live up to his life, but seek some easy, practical ways we can become more like him.
- Pray for a little bit longer this week than you did last week. Do not over-do it by trying to stay up all night Wednesday praying. In fact, it may be too much to pray for an hour a day.
- Find a place where you can pray regularly. Some options might be your living room, bed room, car, office. If you can, devote a special place for prayer. There may be a tree or a bench in the park. Find a location that can be your holy ground.
- Designate a certain time to pray, and devote it to the Lord everyday. It might be early in the morning, after lunch or just before bedtime.
- Learn to pray by yourself. Get quiet and listen for God. Prayer is powerful and can change your life if you are in a position to really push through with God.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
All You Need
- I am a very emotional person.
- I do not let people know or see my emotions.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
To Each His Own
- I play favorites with those people for whom I am a favorite. That is to say, when I give attention to someone, if they repay that attention, I remember that.
- I have an agenda for my life. There are things that I want to accomplish for myself, my family and the people around me. I respect people- and invest in people- who help me to accomplish these goals.
- There are some people who have great potential, and are not afraid to meet that potential. They take chances and work to do God's work. People with great potential will get more of my attention.
- Some people have a lot of work to do. Their lives are confusing, messy, hard and somewhat difficult for me to believe. These people get more of my attention.
- In am willing to invest my time and energy in those people who are willing to spend their time and energy with me.
- I give more time and attention to people who are especially vulnerable. That is, they are hurt, rejected or needy in some way. They have needs that I can work toward meeting.
- I treat people differently who want to be treated differently.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Weekly Prayer Thought
What God has cleansed you must not call common. Acts 10.15
One of the best times to develop your prayer life is at meal times. In Acts 10 Peter had a vision about all the foods that he could and could not eat. God's instruction to Peter was that if he had cleansed a food, it was eat-able. This should mean for all Christians that they should pray before eating. I know that this does not always seem practical or essential, but a great blessing will be lost if you do not get into this habit. And the sooner the better. So here are some thoughts, guidelines and suggestions for meal time prayers.
- In public, or with others who may not be comfortable with praying, just silently bow your head and pray. This should only take a few seconds. Many people will be surprised to see you pray. Some will be encouraged by it and pray themselves.
- In a group, make prayer a positive and fun thing. Use the "thumbs up" sign. Everyone at the table should put up one thumb. The last person to raise a thumb gets to pray.
- At home, take turns praying for meals.
- Use some familiar prayers, "Be present at our table, Lord," or "God is great." Pray in unison and enjoy the community that your family is.
- Be original with your meal-time prayers. Include thanks for the day, petitions for protections and guidance. Pray for sick family members or friends.
- At school, include some friends and classmates in your meal prayers. There is great power and fun in praying together.
- In a restaurant, include your server in your prayer ask her/ him if they would like you to pray for them. Or, you can invite them to join your prayer.
PRAYER: Sometimes, Lord, I forget to pray before meals. Help me to remember. And God, make my meal-time prayers not only an act of obedience to you and your word, but make it a wonderful time of communion with you. Amen.